Contemplating a New Project

On the Creative Machine list, a member posted a link to the Magic Bias Dress. It looks really interesting... the concept of making a flowy, bias dress that has the seams on the straight of grain is intriguing. But I'm always reluctant to buy patterns, even for odd things like this. I'm more apt to turn to my trusty PatternMaster Boutique software. The Pattern Editor feature allowed me to take a simple tank sheath and add some seams to it, moving the pieces around to create two very interesting-looking pattern pieces:

They'll be cut on the straight of grain, which means the seams shouldn't ripple (I hope), but the dress will still have the flow of a bias-cut dress.

However, this project will have to wait until the costumes are done, which should be Tuesday. I hope.


  1. I read about that dress on Creative Machine tonight, in fact. I'm having a mental block, and don't understand how this is a bias dress, with seams on the straight. I'll stay tuned to your instructions.


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