30 Days of Me: Day 13

Day 13: Goals

Are these supposed to be realistic goals, or pie-in-the-sky goals?

A really unlikely goal is to be a "Not My Job" guest on the NPR show "Wait... Wait, Don't Tell Me." The likelihood of that happening is just about nil. But a gal can dream!

Other goals:
Get all the family photographs into albums (which should take about ten years or so).
Go on an extended cross-country road trip with my husband, not following any set itinerary, going anywhere that interests us or catches our fancy.
Turn Redwall into a non-profit arts colony, with Artists in Residence and outdoor performance space.
Build a new kitchen for Redwall, doing most if not all of the work ourselves.

As for short-term goals, I'll settle for just getting the clutter cleared out, the pictures hung on the walls, and new draperies finished.
